Associates ...
|OMEGA ENTERPRISES - Metalworking|IDEAFARMS - Multimedia|UNITY ELECTROSYSTEMS - Networking Solutions|
Computer assistance ...
"Inversion" thinking and "reflective" methods form the cornerstones of our design philosophy. Computers are used for visualisation, 3D rendering and animation as required.
Technical expertise ...
We have associates who are brought in from time to time for 3rd party evaluation of product guts. However all technical aspects in respect of Industrial-Design-specific tasks are handled in-house.
Integrative approach ...
Industrial design requires para support in the form of visualisation aids, study modelling, prototyping and drawing. We have integrated all these aspects into our work environment.
Visions of the future ...
We try to interact with visionaries across disciplines to expand our horizons. We believe in cross-cultural design as a way of shrinking the world and contributing to a holistic DESIGNWORLD.
Educative responsibility ...
In India, design is still embryonic. We believe that as pioneer designers we must also educate society through consumers to the benefits of Design effort. To this end we are looking for like-minded agencies to promote the profession in the region. We have also recently started writing articles in magazines as a first step to this goal.
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