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Design is about...

Attitudes drive ...

Design attitude is not learned, it is imbibed. It is an attitude of user empathy to make the effort pleasurable, useful and inspiring.

Cultures specify ...

Design is a culture -- a way of living.
And a culture within our native CULTURES. Design means something totally different in California than in Delhi.

Users dictate ...

Design users are themselves designers. They evaluate, buy, use and discard. Bad design is bad design anywhere in the worldregardless of rationalizations and justifications.

Magic ...

Design is hard work. Design draws from multi disciplines.
Design is NOT Magic!

Enterprise and resource ...

Design employs enterprise. Design requires courage and conviction to do things differently.

Novelty redefined ...

Aesthetics has nothing to do with beauty, cosmetics and style. Novelty is achieved by finding a fresher perspective and thinking differently.

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